Challenges and Academic Education issues in Pakistan



Today’s my topic is about on Challenges and Academic Education issues in Pakistan. That all students are facing a lot of issues in these days during online classes. Internet issues and power issues some students are live in unalike areas where as they could not able to take online class. So, In this topic I have share a lot of points that will help you to realize the condition of students.

Challenges and Academic Education issues in Pakistan are always concern. There is always lack of Education institutions in Pakistan there are private sector  and council but in the government schools there is no qualified teachers and there is big issues of base, quality of learning is poor and salaries are very less than the private schools or institutions which is only afford by rich and poor cant afford and this is the reason

Rich people convert more educated and poor more illiterate. Technological changes and clarity in recent years. Use tools such as Google , Amazon and Google Scholar. The information Eco system was control by various social media plat forms.  They are same with give out facts and skills to users .24/7, easy to access, user friendly. As a result, the rule has been weakened university  libraries in this modern age.

1.Challenges and Academic Education Issues:

The Pakistan education system consists of 260,903 institutions and provides training for 1,535,461 teachers  for 41,018,384 students. It contain 180,846 public bodies and 80,057 private bodies. Thus 31% are private sector educational institutes, while 69% are public institutions. Public institutions.

2.Analysis of Education system in Pakistan:

A study of Pakistan’s education system shows that since 2010 the 18th amended  realize education as a basic human right. There have been no reform in Pakistani schools. Prevent issues of access, efficiency, base and resources variation persist.

3.Poor quality or Lack of Research:

Some people said the  (HEC) were not add on purpose.  “If we are totally counting number of  post professionals and it will be shocked that less is available per user download you pay a huge sum of more than one article not to be used with national capital.” This is what you are talking about. Penetrates our national research community Degree of weakness in our study.While technology offers pros , some members stress that it often allows negative mental robbery,

for example. “You are a member of the Board. Plagiarism has been seen as a major concern. This crime has recently been  convicted  by the official Past. “Past.”  “When they’re working [students] Assignment, in order to save time and form Want to get the keep in touch material  edition. Creation of Knowledge XX(X) Send and paste copy. One member said

“We don’t train students to make a decent profit and what are HEC’ plagiarism policies”

4.Technological Education

Practical and career education in Pakistan has not been given suitable focus. There are not enough practical and career institutes and various are poor of training services. Teacher services and tools. One of the most vital basics of its national control is the people of a state. Once it is qualified, it can develop an asset. Unqualified people in the nation means more jobless people, which has a bad impact on national growth. Practical or automation education then needs council urgency conduct.

Poverty, the condition of law and order, usual ruins, budget confines. Absence of entree, lack of worth, justice and council also helped to decrease listings.

5.Major issues of Education in Pakistan:

Lack of Proper Planning

Cost of Education

Gender Gap

War of Terror

Social Issues

In many chunks of the country, the current set-up is not used passably.

The tests include skill, formal and skills issues, the creating of national unity. Usual text book growth values and quality pledge.

Exactly, the facility staffing course has been debated. This is why the fame of teaching is affected and specially when low asset is made in the exercise of teachers. Their teaching time is not so creative as with a fine skilled teacher and so is not even.

In schools, there are tests that contain a lack of teachers. The leave of teachers, the leave of key services and a setting that is sociable.

Schools missing, reserve, expressly for females, lack of self trust . And there is scarcity, social values, parents’ adverseness or lack of ethics are many of the school tests school tests include.


In the end firstly education must be improve in Pakistan in future the council working on it National education policy and vision 2030 education priorities must be adopted.  Secondly over view of education policy reveals that there are some great proposals at the  political level. More over but there are still vital some weaknesses and If the person don’t have education than how he is modify right or wrong.



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