How To Learn Java Programming:


How To Learn Java Programming
How To Learn Java Programming

Introduction  Today’s my topic is about on how to learn java programming. There are a lot of programming languages out there but in most java programming is the most using language. The uses of java programming in making a lot software’s by using java we can make mobile applications, web developing and large systems development. In 1991, Sun Micro systems Inc developed JAVA, which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation. James Gosling and Patrick Naught-on created it. It is a basic language for programming. In Java, it is simple to write, compile and debug a program. Modular program and reusable code help to be built.

What do you know about Java:

In How To Learn Java Programming Java is one of the most popular languages out there for programming. Released in 1995 and still commonly used today, Java has many uses, including the production of apps, mobile devices, and the construction of large systems. As a developer, learning Java opens up a lot of possibilities for you.

1.Java Virtual Machine: 

This is commonly regarded as a JVM. Before we speak about JVM, we can see the phases of execution of the program. The stages are as follows: we write the program, then we compile the program, and we finally run the program. How To Learn Java Programming
1) Of course, the program writing is done by a Java programmer like you and me.

2) Software compilation is performed by the java compiler, the main java compiler included in the java

development kit (JDK) is java. It takes the java program as input and produces the output of the java byte code.

3) In the third level, the JVM executes the compiler-generated byte code. This is called the running period of the software.

So now that we understand that the primary purpose of the JVM is to execute the compiler-generated byte code. Each operating system has different JVMs, but the performance they generate across all operating systems is the same after byte code execution. That is why we refer to java as an independent language of the platform.

2. byte code:

As discussed above the Two families Java compiler compiles the source Java code into byte codes so that JVM can execute them. The assembly code is saved by the compiler in the .class format.

3. Java is a platform independent language:

The compiler (java) converts the source code (.java file) to byte(.class file) code. As stated above the JVM performs the compiler-generated byte code. Any platform such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS and so on will run this byte code. Which means that on Linux and vice versa, a software that is compiled on Windows will run. Each operating system has different JVMs, but the performance they generate across all operating systems is the same after object code execution. That is why we relate to java as an independent language of the platform.


Java was developed by a team at Sun Micro systems, launched in 1995, and then acquired by Oracle.

A prime focus of the developers of Java was to create a language that could run on consumer appliances, so the programmers were already imagining a future where code was running on your refrigerator or toaster, what we now call the internet of things. We’ve only recently begun to build devices that benefit from such a language, so they were well ahead of their time in the mid-1990 s. But that purpose has motivated a lot of Java’s architecture. “Write once, run anywhere” was one of its key selling points, because you could write one piece of code in other words, then it could be compiled to run on any computer.

Ironically, for that reason, Java did not gain popularity; instead its developers were able to take advantage of something else that came out in the mid-1990s: the global web. Java had a feature where you could write stuff called applets, tiny program that could run within a web browser, and Java rode the wave and became incredibly successful and popular as the web gained popularity. So a lot of web applications have been written in Java, but when they first conceived the language, it was not what the developers had in mind.

5. Disadvantages and Alternatives to Java:

It can be a fairly steep learning curve for a beginner if there is any downside. For a long time, Java has been around, but the nice thing about it is that, you name it, your job would have some library or system, and there is a very helpful open source community around Java. So that all sounds good, but at the beginning, it can be bad because you just don’t know where to begin. This is an incredibly large ecosystem, and if you’re trying to learn on your own, compared to some other languages, it can be a bit of a challenging world to join, That’s one of a coding Boot camp’s value suggestions like Tech Elevator-we can help concentrate you on the stuff you really need to know.

From a technical point of view, if you do a very light, fast job, write a quick script or something like that, then Java isn’t your go-to-tool. For larger and more complex applications, it’s best suited.

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